A Door Hues ~ 28/06/2015


Day #28 of the 30-Day Colour Challenge!

Sunday! I had a lovely night last night with a bunch of my forever people. Nothing like a bit of reconnecting to make everything seem better. Since today was a relatively relaxed day, I picked a palette to represent that, and I spent a good amount of time making a pair of fan earrings. I think I’ve only ever made two pairs – one of which was made for a colour challenge long, long ago – one of our most popular palette choices.

photo courtesy ~ design-seeds.com

photo courtesy ~ design-seeds.com


Day #28 done!

~ Kirtana

Sombrero ~ 23/06/2015


Day #23 of the 30-Day Colour Challenge!

I guess once you do 22 consecutive challenges, palettes start looking similar. Today’s palette falls into that ‘I could have sworn I did something like this’ category, and I’m honestly too tired to check. But! I plan to choose really exotic colour combinations for the last week of my 30-day challenge! Just one more week to go! Wow.

photo courtesy ~ design-seeds.com

photo courtesy ~ design-seeds.com

Sombrero! A simple pair of earrings, with a fun pair of black beads.


Day #23 done!

~ Kirtana

Istanbul Brights ~ 16/06/2015


Day #16 of the 30-Day Colour Challenge!

There’s nothing like fresh mango juice to brighten up a tough day 🙂

This is the palette I picked for today. I really love the colours. Unfortunately I don’t have such bright beads. So I settled for close matches.

photo courtesy ~ design-seeds.com

photo courtesy ~ design-seeds.com


Day #16 done!

~ Kirtana